ONTOUR Spring/Summer 2015 Collectie

NIKE ACG Spring Lookbook

maart 9, 2015 reageren (0) Views: 1010 Fashion Redactie BLVD

Karl Lagerfeld over bontgebruik in fashion

Ter voorbereiding van Fendi’s Haute Fourure show, spreekt Karl Lagerfeld met The New York Times over diverse onderwerpen. Karl Lagerfeld heeft in zijn nieuwste collectie veel gebruik gemaakt van bont en dat brengt natuurlijk de nodige controverse teweeg. De iconische ontwerper zet zijn standpunten uiteen en noemt de hypocrisie van de mensheid als argument. Hieronder een deel van het interview. Voor het volledige interview: bezoek de website van The New York Times. Oh ja, hier vertelt hij ook wat hij vindt van ‘selfies’ en de duurzaamheid van mode.

How did the idea come about to do haute fourrure?

I don’t remember where the idea comes from. Maybe it’s me. I think the idea is right. The problem with fur. … For me, as long as people eat meat and wear leather, I don’t get the message. It’s very easy to say no fur, no fur, no fur, but it’s an industry. Who will pay for all the unemployment of the people if you suppress the industry of the fur? The hunters in the north for the sable, they have no other job, there is nothing else to do. Those organizations who are much against it, they are not Bill Gates.

So you’re not very sympathetic to the anti-fur cause?

I’m very sympathetic. I hate the idea of killing animals in a horrible way, but I think all that improved a lot. I think a butcher shop is even worse. It’s like visiting a murder. It’s horrible, no? So I prefer not to know it.

Does fur ever feel like a limitation?

No. You have to find new ways to use something that could be considered limited in the way you could use it. That’s part of the job. I know the technique, I know the materials. I haven’t used some of them for quite a long time. So it’s fun to use it again to do something I haven’t done with them before. I hope I have enough ideas that I can make something new out of that.

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