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april 3, 2015 reageren (0) Views: 1312 Life Redactie BLVD

Sad But True: This Is Our World

Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot (OVER) is een nieuw fotoboek die de overbevolktheid en consumptie van de mensheid vastlegt. Helaas met desastreuze gevolgen voor planeet Aarde. In het boek staan bijdragen van verschillende fotografen. Feit is dat alle foto’s direct bij je naar binnen komen. Krachtige beelden die de tragische tendens van 2015 kenmerken.

Meer informatie @ Population Speak Out.

Peter Essick: One of Earth’s most vulnerable nations to climate change, the Maldive Islands are severely threatened by rising sea levels.

Garth Lentz: Aerial view of the tar sands region, where mining operations and tailings ponds are so vast they can be seen from outer space; Alberta, Canada.

Google Earth/Image Landsat: An industrialised landscape – center pivot irrigation grid amongst square fields in West Kansas, USA.

Peter Beltra: Industrial livestock production in Brazil.

Google Earth/2014 Digital Globe: Aerial view of New Delhi, India, population 22 million, density 30,000 per square mile (77,700/km2)

Cotton Coulson/Keenpress: In both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, ice is retreating. Melting water on icecap, North East Land, Svalbard, Norway.

Zak Noyle: Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya catches a wave in a remote but garbage-covered bay on Java, Indonesia, the world’s most populated island.

Yann Arthus Bertrand: As far as the eye can see, greenhouses cover the landscape in Almeria, Spain.

Google Earth/2014 Digital Globe: No room for nature, the entire landscape is devoted to crop production, China.

Daniel Beltra: Aerial view of an oil fire following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, Gulf of Mexico.

Mainichi Newspapers/AFLO: The 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Station in Japan galvanized the world’s attention and again highlighted the risks of nuclear power. As of 2013 it was reported that the damaged plant was still leaking radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.

Google Earth/ 2014 Digital Globe: The Mir Mine in Russia is the world’s largest diamond mine.


Daniel Dancer: Industrial forestry degrading public lands, Willamette National Forest, Oregon.

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