Unieke loft in Parijs, ontworpen door Maxime Jansens

Land Rover Defender “La Poderosa”

juni 10, 2015 reageren (0) Views: 1454 Travel Redactie BLVD

#ProjectOneLife: 1 dansje op 100 locaties

Ah, dit soort video’s maken ons altijd gelukkig! Matt Bray uit Naperville, Illinois richtte een Youtube channel op genaamd ‘ProjectOneLife’ wat hij omschrijft als “living life to the fullest and having fun.” Hij reist de wereld rond én doet alle dingen die op zijn Bucketlist staan. Eén van z’n wensen was een filmpje maken en monteren op 100 diverse locaties. En dat is gelukt!

“I did learn some pretty cool moves but I still feel I have not reached the level of dancing that would consider me good at dancing, so I am going to leave this one unchecked for now. Huge thanks to my sister for helping me walk around all day long and filming everything, it was a lot of work but she helped me create the exact video I had imagined. Also thanks to Jack and Brian for helping out with all of the Chicago shots. I worked for months on this video to find a song, make the choreography, practice the dance routine 3 times a day to make sure I had it down to muscle memory. I kept switching songs and dance moves but eventually found the perfect combination to create the exact video I had pictured in my head. Overall, I am super happy with how this video turned out and extremely excited for the rest of the videos I have planned for this year.”

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