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oktober 14, 2015 reageren (0) Views: 1031 Life Redactie BLVD

Emilia Clarke is Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive

Blijkbaar is het sexy als je moeder der draken bent want Games of Thrones ster Emilia Clarke, a.k.a. Daenerys Targaryen, is uitgeroepen tot ’s werelds meest sexy vrouw van het jaar 2015. De bloedmooie actrice weet in de populaire hitserie al enkele seizoenen de mannen geboeid te houden én daar wordt ze nu voor beloond. Clarke staat bekend om haar down-to-earth persoonlijkheid dit terwijl ze is uitgegroeid tot een wereldster. Chapeau!

There’s a kind of change of tone or pace that Emilia Clarke’s very good at. She uses it in her acting, too, and can go from sentimental or angry to comic at the drop of a hat. It all shows up in her face if she wants it to—she’s got great mobility of expression. Accents play a part in these shifts. Her own accent is a nicely plainspoken kind of “well-brought-up,” but she dips into others, northern English or American for jokes or to make a point. She can do Wolverhampton, too, even though her father doesn’t speak it anymore—he sounds like her, she says.

She manages to bring together a number of opposites, to make them natural: sweetness and toughness, emotionalism with a kind of cold-blooded determination. Something in these contrasts explains her sex appeal, too. She can play queen and kid sister, dominatrix and pal.

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