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februari 15, 2016 reageren (0) Views: 1547 Life Redactie BLVD

Onderzoek: is het een eend of een konijn?

Het is een optische illusie, maar wat zie jij in de bovenstaande afbeelding? Een eend of een konijn? Uit onderzoek blijkt dat men veel kan afleiden over hoe jouw brein werkt in wat je ziet. Volgens de Daily Mail

“Depending on whether an observer sees a duck or a rabbit first and how fast it sees the other is an indicator of how creative you are, and how fast your brain works.

Although it first appeared in a German magazine about 1892, it was later made famous by U.S. psychologist Joseph Jastrow in 1899.

Jastrow used the illusion to make the point that we ‘see’ with our brains as well as our eyes.

The research suggested that more creative people were able to switch between images of the two animals more quickly than other people.

Participants who found it very easy to flip between rabbit and duck came up with an average of almost five novel uses for an everyday item. Those who couldn’t flip between rabbit and duck at all came up with less than two novel uses.

This suggests that the ease with which you can flip representations is a clue to how creative you are. The moment when you flip between duck and rabbit is like a small flash of creative insight. It’s when you notice the world can be seen in a different way.

Highly creative people often display this talent for finding new uses for an existing object or by making connections between two previously unconnected ideas or things.”

En wat zie jij hierin? 

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