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Our Instagram Lady: Steph Claire Smith

GQ Magazine had de eer om Instagram superstar Steph Claire Smith te spreken. Het bloedmooie model staat wereldwijd bekend om haar groeiende Instagram platform. Vrij logisch want de knappe Steph Claire   plaatst regelmatig uitdagende foto’s die weinig tot de verbeelding overlaten. Een klein deel uit het interview: 

GQ: When did you start modelling?

Steph: I actually did it for a few years as a kid, between the ages of 7-12, then started back up again with Chadwick after highschool and after my braces came off.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

I believe having all the opportunities I have had to travel and work in other countries would be the highlight for sure. I basically get paid to see different parts of the world.

How would you describe your Instagram process?

I keep it pretty chilled. I’m not one to fuss too much over what goes up. If I take a photo, or have a nice photo, it doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll just share it if I want to. I think keeping it authentic and true to what’s actually going on in my life works.

What doesn’t work on Instagram?

That’s a difficult question to answer, because what my opinion on what I think doesn’t work on Instagram may not be what others would agree with. I think anything can work on Instagram. Posts of work, your dogs, selfies, food… anything really if done right can work. Although what I am strongly against on Instagram is anything that causes conflict or shows discrimination in any way.

Have you worked out how to monetize Instagram yet or is it more of a photo sharing platform for you?

With a large following comes a lot of offers from different companies and brands to help promote them. I’ve always wanted my Instagram to come across and to stay as natural as possible. So I do minimal promotional or marketing posts. I say no to most offers, and I only tend to promote products or places that I do genuinely love and am actually working with.

(Lees het hele interview op de website van GQ.)

Steph Claire Steph Claire Steph Claire Steph Claire Steph Claire Steph Claire Steph Claire

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